7 Tips for weight loss





Most of us think of weight loss “season” as January thru March of each year, but unfortunately it is an ongoing battle for many people. Here are 7 weight loss tips that always apply from Lucie at Commit2self.com.


1)   Keep in mind you didn’t gain your weight overnight and you won’t lose your extra weight overnight. The safe average weight loss is 2lbs a week, so over a course of a year that is roughly 100 lbs!


2)   Sodium (salt) makes the body retain water. Water weighs over 8lbs a gallon. So to lose your water weight – lose the salt!


3)   Don’t drink your calories! If you are trying to lose weight you probably do not want more then 1200 – 1500 calories a day, depending on body type. Soda, latte’s and alcohol are some of the high calories liquids we tend to unconsciously consume and accumulate calories. Think before you drink!!


4)   Water, water, water. If you have not heard, you need to get 64oz of water a day. That is 8 glasses of 8 ounces. Try drinking one glass at the top of the hour for each hour you are at work. If you have your own water bottle, divide the capacity by 8, put that amount of rubber bands on the bottle and each time you refill it, take one rubber band from the bottle and put it on your wrist, when all the rubber bands are on your wrist and the bottle is empty – you are there.


5)   Having a snack every two hours will help prevent over eating at meal time. Try to

have something like a banana, apple, orange or a string cheese available when cravings for snacks strike.


6) If you spend time in your car commuting or traveling, avoid the drive through by swinging in to a grocery store instead. Again, apples or other fresh fruit instead of the value meal will go a long way in maintaining your calories. Convenient stores also now offer bananas or string cheese in single servings.


7) Finally, increase your activity. The easiest way to do this is to buy a pedometer; a decent one at a local store should be around $25.00. Start by parking your car at the very back of the parking lot, taking the stairs instead of the elevator and going for a walk at lunch. The goal is 10,000 steps a day. Do not worry about the first couple weeks, make a game of it, if you get more steps every day then the day before, you will get there.


To your health – Lucie


Lucie A. Knapp MSW,LCSW, behavioral therapist and certified life coach. Her website Commit2self.com provides ongoing education, support and motivation for weight loss and total health. Lucie has over 20 years working in weight loss starting as a personal trainer, and then working as a counselor in a major weight loss chain and finally as the Creator and Program coordinator of the Lifestyle Coaching Program at the oldest residential weight loss center in the world, The Duke Diet and Fitness Center (DFC) in Durham NC.

You can email questions or comments to: Lucie@commit2self.com.



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